Through our cooperation with AFPRO, Copra is able to deliver filters of the highest available qua-lity. AFPRO undertakes continuous improvement on all air filters it manufactures, ensuring comp-liance with ISO16890, whilst meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
AFPRO manufactures all filters in-house, which enables more efficient turnaround times. The EUROVENT “certify all” programme, employed by AFPRO ensures a consistent quality of ma-nufacture is maintained. Filters are available in both synthetic/polymer and glass fibre variants, both generously compliant with ISO16890.
Filtration levels for AFPRO Filters range from HEPA, ePM1 through to coarse, depending on custo-mer applications and requirements. Our filters are used for pre-filter of air condition system, cle-an room, spray booth, pharmaceutical factory, hospital, electronic factory, food factory or other industry filtrations and so on.
The media of the HQ bag filter (glassfibre) series concist of a new generation super fine fibers. The material is finished with a dense membrane that prevents fiber migration. The HQ-series is ranked the best energy ratings with A-label performance.